Analysis – Derivative

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● Il campo nel quale sarà inserita l'espressione è quello evidenziato in giallo
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key right arrow
Sposta il cursosre di un'espressione a destra

Using the following buttons you can calculate the derivative of any function

Calculation of derivatives

The derivative of the given function and of the chosen order is calculated (up to the 20th order) by giving back the derivatives of all orders until the one requested. The software also gives back the graph of the given function together with that of the derivative. You can also ask to calculate the derivative at a specific point. The software calculates the domain of both the function and of all the calculated derivatives

Examples of calculation processes performed by the software (click on the image to see the related development):

Analysis: Derivative Calculation

Calculation of the derivative of order n

Analysis – Derivative ultima modifica: 2018-08-31T15:06:18+00:00 da roberto