Analytic Geometry

Online Solver for exercises of Analytic Geometry

Operational functions concerning Analytic Geometry

The software provides the solution of the Analytic Geometry exercises including the graph and the individual steps accompanied by all the necessary cgalculations to get to the result.

In addition to the specific steps alone, an explanation of these is also provided in order to make the student understand their meaning.

For some exercises that can be solved in different ways, the system provides the different solving processes explaining the differences between them.

The different functions are divided by type:

  • • Study of Straight Lines and Conics: Complete study of the equation of a straight line or a conic
  • Points: all the calculations that only concern points or that give back points
  • Lines: all the calculations that only concern lines or that give back lines
  • Circumference: all the calculations that concern the circumference or that give back a circumference
  • Parabola: all the calculations that concern the parabola or that give back the paraola (some calculations are limited to the parabolas with parallel axis to one of the Cartesian axis)
  • Ellipse / Hyperbola : all the calculations that concern the ellipse or that give back the equation of an ellipse or hyperbola (some calculations are limited to the ellipse or hyperbola with parallel axis to one of the Cartesian axis)

Details of the performed calculations (see examples) (vedi gli esempi)






Examples of development of analytic geometry exercises (click on the image to see related process development):

Analytic Geometry: Distance between two points

Distance between two points

Analytic Geometry: Intersection between two straight Lines

Analytic Geometry: Intersection between two straight Lines

Analytical Geometry: Axis of a line segment

Axis of a line segment

Analytic Geometry: Straight line perpendicular to another passing through a specific point

Analytical Geometry: Straight line perpendicular to another passing through a specific point

Analytic Geometry: Circumference passing through 3 Points

Analytic Geometry: Circumference passing through 3 Points

Analytic Geometry ultima modifica: 2018-08-03T07:03:46+00:00 da roberto